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Major Leser

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Currently reading

Isaiah Berlin: A Life
Michael Ignatieff, M. Ignatev
Can't and Won't: Stories
Lydia Davis
Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Luhmann Explained: From Souls to Systems
Hans-Georg Moeller
The Savage Detectives
Roberto BolaƱo, Natasha Wimmer
The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis
Lydia Davis
20 Under 40: Stories from The New Yorker
Deborah Treisman
Collected Fictions
Jorge Luis Borges, Andrew Hurley
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Confessions of a Philosopher: A Personal Journey Through Western Philosophy from Plato to Popper (Modern Library Paperbacks)
Bryan Magee

The French Lieutenant's Woman

The French Lieutenant's Woman - John Fowles Slowly builds to a series of climaxes of varying intensity (i.e. each strand of thought gets to come into its own at various points in the novel: Marxism, Darwinism, crypto-feminist existentialism). A near-masterpiece undone only by its awkward amalgam of neo-Victorian postmodernism and standard existentialist modernism.